为什么人们在厕所里说话总是皱眉头?为什么两卷卫生纸总是同时用完?为什么男性喜欢在小便池吐痰?为了了解这些谜题的答案,一家关注人类行为的资讯媒体Science of Us,梳理了大量有关厕所行为的研究,当中包括了最流行的厕所墙壁涂鸦,小便焦虑的性别差异,以及有关厕纸应该朝里还是朝外的辩论。厕所文化研究中心特别译介,并推荐您如厕时阅读。


Research | Everything We Know About Human Bathroom Behavior

Why, for example, is talking generally frowned upon? Why do those two-roll dispensers in stalls always run out at the same time? Why do guys spit in urinals?To shed light on these mysteries, Science of Us combed through mountains of research on bathroom behavior and uncovered some revealing findings, from the most popular kinds of wall graffiti, to the gender dynamics of pee-formance anxiety, to important insights on the great under-over toilet-paper debate. Consider it the perfect reading material for when nature calls. RCTC translated the above article and highly recommends you to read during your private time in washroom.

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