

Topic |  Internet of Toilets

When toilets are under high-frequency usage condition, people need to search for empty toilets on each floor. In addition, if there is someone in case of sudden illness, it can't be noticed timely because of confined spaces. In order to solve those two problems, Fujitsu (Japan) proposes solutions based on the internet. People can know which ones are empty from display board in the hallways at a glance. Moreover, there is an emergency button in the toilet, confirming the situation through voice communication once use time over a certain limit. Moreover, toilets could be very beneficial and the new availability of sensors and the diagnostic power of software combined with cloud-based services could make it happen. In the very near future, sensors might be embedded in your toilet bowl. Toilets will analyze your excrement to conduct early pregnancy detection, advise on if you have a bacterial infection or maybe a virus, and offer key indicators on health…...This isn't really that far-fetched. All the essential tools and technologies exist today.

The results of a new survey from Intel and Penn Schoen Berland say that 70% of people in 8 countries would be willing to share data from their smart toilet if it would mean lower healthcare costs. An even higher proportion, 84%, would be willing to share their vital statistics, like blood pressure or basic lab tests, and 75% would be comfortable giving up information gathered by a health monitor they could swallow, even though that's far more intrusive than a toilet that tweets that you've had enchiladas three nights running.

This is how the internet of things becomes ubiquitous: we're offered a service in exchange for adding yet another sensor to our environment—even though smart toilets might some day as easily be used to scan our excretions for illegal drugs or jailbroken nanotech. And of course there are the usual security issues—hackers have already figured out how to nefariously manipulate at least one smart toilet.