四川省政府办公厅印发《四川省“厕所革命”实施方案(2017-2020年)》,提出到2020年持续推进“厕所革命”,4年内共新改建厕所19307座。建立健全长效管理机制,实现全省厕所“数量充足、干净无味、实用免费、管理有效、卫生文明”目标;福建省旅发委研究制定了《福建省旅游厕所建设管理新三年行动计划(2018-2020)》,2018年计划新建厕所574座、改扩建158座,到2020年所有4A级以上景区和重要旅游场所都具备第三卫生间;重庆市城市管理委员会计划用三年半的时间,持续深化以小厕所、大民生为主题的“公厕革命”建设改造工作任务,到2020 年,主城区完成新增公厕720个的目标任务,使重庆主城区建成区公共厕所总量达到3160座,要求注重细节和人性化服务,其中人流集中的场所的女厕位与男厕位的比例不应小于2:1,并将新增“第三卫生间”;江苏省将启动厕所革命新三年行动计划,该计划涵盖旅游场所厕所建设管理,落实“应建则建”要求,大力推进第三卫生间和母婴室建设,达到“数量充足,干净无味,使用免费,管理有效”目标。



Trend | The New Three-Year Plan of 'Toilet Revolution'

By this July, China has accomplished renovating present or building new public toilets for a total of 57 589,  which exceeds the target of 57 000 in the three-year plan of toilet revolution. National tourism fund subsidized 1.04 billion yuan, and local funding reached over 20 billion yuan. Over 200 cities are evaluated as advanced ones in this aspect, which cover most provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), due to their obvious improvement and rich experience that can be models for other cities to follow. At the end of the three-year plan, the new three-year plan will be launched to achieve the targets in the 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Tourism Industry. Besides the task of expanding toilets, the new plan has more ecological and human requirements for tourist toilets, asking all the areas with big flows of tourists shall have A level toilets, with the map for tourist toilets. In the 4A level or above tourist scenic spots, 80% of the tourist toilets must be ecological. All the scenic spots of 5A level shall have third gender toilets (family toilets).  Sichuan, Fujian, Chongqing, Jiangsu have released their new three-year plans by now.