


各国将用各自的行动来迎接今年的世界厕所日,引发人们对这一重要议题的关注和思考。国内,11月19-20日第二届中国厕所革命创新博览会将在上海举办;11月3日公厕变革与提标研讨会将在贵阳的城市固体废物处理技术与设备国际论坛上举办;12月8日世界厕所峰会分会之城市公厕建设管理国际论坛将在西安举办;国外,印度发起BE THE CHANGE邀请人们参与到社区改变活动中;水援助组织和世界厕所组织在世界范围内发起为厕所奔跑的筹款活动,以支持厕所领域的发展;日本将颁布第二届日本厕所大奖,表彰在厕所领域里为创造更好的如厕环境并充满人文关怀的案例;加纳将开展一系列围绕沼气厕所的研讨会等。各国根据各自厕所领域的发展进程开展多样的活动,共同推进世界范围内人们对厕所议题的关注和参与。

Focus | World Toliet Day - a day to think and take action

World Toilet Day 2017 continues the theme from World Water Day earlier this year, with the focus on wastewater. As part of this topic, we are asking the question, ‘Where does our poo go?’ For billions of people around the world, sanitation systems are either non-existent or ineffective. Poo gets out into the environment and spreads killer diseases, seriously undermining progress in health and child survival. Even in wealthy countries, treatment of wastewater can be far from perfect, leading to rivers and coastlines that cannot be safely fished in or enjoyed. To achieve SDG 6, we need everyone’s poo to be contained, transported, treated and disposed of in a safe and sustainable way. In addition to the profound impact this will have on health and living conditions, safely-managed wastewater has massive potential as an affordable and sustainable source of energy, nutrients and water.

Many countries built on World Toilet Day with actions to focus and deliberate this important topic. In China, the 2nd Chinese Toilet Revolution Innovation Expo will be held in Shanghai on November 19-20. The Public Toilet Change and Standard Symposium will be held with International Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Technology and Equipment on November 3. Urban Public Toilet Construction and Management Forum will be held as sub meeting of World Toilet Summit in Xi'an on December 8. Overseas, India launches BE THE CHANGE activity that invites people to participate in the change of community. Water Aid and World Toilet Organization organized fund raising running campaigns worldwide to support toilet development. Japan will award the prize for Japan Toilet for the 2nd time, to commend the case of better environment and humanistic care in the field of toilet. A series of workshops will be held in Ghana on methane. Many countries organizes various events in the toilet field to promote attention and participation of the toilet topic in the world.