
废厕纸可为纤维化合物提供充足来源。荷兰人每年要冲掉大约18万吨厕纸。废水处理厂将厕纸过滤后通常是晾干燃烧。而本项目的幕后英雄-KNN Cellulose和CirTec决定用一个神奇的过滤系统来清洁、消毒、漂白、烘干厕纸,再把这些高质量的纤维复合物加入沥青。

Technology | Netherlands paved path with recycled toilet paper

The Netherlands has undertaken a two-year pilot project to transform used toilet paper into a blacktop-strengthening agent. And it's already paved a 1-kilometer stretch of bike path, a section of highway, and a parking lot with the TP-mixed asphalt.Asphalt is a mixture of stones, sand, and bitumen, which holds everything together. But it's made stronger when the mixture is combined with a dose of cellulose (plant fibers), which helps the asphalt stick to stones before it fully hardens. Cellulose has the added benefit of wicking water off of roadways when it rains, making them less slippery.

Recycled toilet paper is an abundant source of cellulose. The Dutch flush away roughly 180,000 tons of toilet paper each year. Wastewater treatment plants filter out the toilet paper and typically dry it, and burn it. But the geniuses behind the pilot program-KNN Cellulose and CirTec, decided to use a fancy filer system to clean, sterilize, bleach, and dry the toilet paper before using this high-quality fiber to supply the cellulose in asphalt.