
广州市中心城区将有超过200座的公共厕所会提供免费厕纸;今年底前南宁八成公厕将配厕纸,实现全市建成区所有公厕(含窗口行业单位公厕)达到“三有”(有水冲洗、有纸使用、有人管理)标准;明月湖相思湖公园公厕里已开始试用“人脸识别厕纸机”;安徽芒砀山旅游区洗手间安装的智能出纸系统上岗,游客可以通过扫码免费领纸,扫码过后 1秒即可出纸,长度大约90厘米,可以多次扫码多次出纸。通过互联网实时监控和预警,使用手机连续扫码超过十次者,将会被机器列入“黑名单”,不予出纸;河南嵩山少林寺景区也上线智能共享厕纸管理系统,通过扫码二维码免费领取卫生纸,节纸效果显著。特别是十一双节黄金周期间,用纸量相比同期下降了60%,智能共享厕纸管理系统运营初步取得成效。

Trend | Technology accelerates the pace of free toilet paper in public toilets in China

The National Tourism Administration requires that the public toilets reach the standards of 'sufficient quantity, cleanness and without odor, be free and functional, effective management '. The toilet with sufficient toilet paper without odor is not just the tourist’s demand, but a test for China’s public service system and the cultivated quality of tourists.  Recently more and more cities are supplying the public toilets with paper and controlling the waste by technology.

Over 200 public toilets in downtown Guangzhou city will have free toilet paper, and 80% of public toilets in Nanning city will have toilet paper and three ‘have’s (have water to flush and wash, have paper to use, and have personnel to manage) for all the public toilets including those in government service departments. The face recognition toilet paper system are used in pilot toilets at Mingyue Lake and Xiangsi Lake Park. The smart toilet paper system of Mangdang mountain park can let out 90-cm-long toilet paper 1 second after the tourist scans it with the cellphone. It can be scanned several times, but continuously scanning 10 times will make the machine blacklist the user. Smart toilet paper systems of taking free toilet paper by scanning two-dimension code are also used in Shaolin Temple of Songshan, Henan. It greatly saves the paper from being wasted. In the National Day holiday, the system is working effectively in the first stage by reducing 60% of the paper compared to the same period in the past.