On December 20, Li Jinzao, Director of China National Tourism Administration visited Mentougou District of Beijing to investigate the toilet revolution. He said the action should focus on the difficult and pressing issues that people care most. The planning of public toilets shall be scientific, realistic to the local situation, reasonable and pragmatic instead of extravagance. Toilets shall be maintained consistently and contribute to the quality of life.
National Health and Family Planning Commission said, by the end of 2016, the coverage of sanitary toilets in rural China is 80.3%, and reaches 90% in east China, though fecal pollution treatment rate is only 60.5%. The next goal is to cover 85% by the end of 2020 and cover the whole country with fecal pollution free sanitary toilets.
China Consumers Association and China Disabled Persons Federation investigated barrier-free facilities in 102 major cities of 31 provinces, municipal cities and autonomous regions from May to October. Barrier-free toilets got the lowest mark among all the items in this survey, at 66.7.
By the end of 2017, Kunming of Yunnan Province has built or refurbished 2714 public toilets, including 2060 urban toilets and 681 rural toilets. one can reach toilets within 15 minutes anywhere in urban Kunming of Yunan Province. And 2731 public toilets in the urban area are free. Kunming also put toilet management in the PPP project of sanitation system or outsource it to professionals to relieve the financial difficulties. More importantly, Kunming set up the service standard of toilet administration, introduced third-party audit to ensure the same quality of free toilets in management, facility and service quality.
Shanghai launched the 2nd Election for Most Beautiful Tourism Toilets in Shanghai in November. On December 15, 10 toilets had been selected by voters as 2017 top tourism toilets in Shanghai.
By the end of this year, Inner Mongolia has finished its plan of public toilets by triple despite the high altitude and coldness. The priority of the next three years is on tourism toilets in poverty-stricken counties.
On December 12, Xiangtan city has finished building/renovating 482 public toilets in rural schools, and 107948 students can benefit from the water toilets. Its 2018-2019 plan is to eliminate all the dry toilets in compulsory education schools.
There is a man-made wetland in Wanfeng village in Taicang, Jiangsu, which can process 150 cubic meters of waste water every day. By the end of late November, 56 families of the village have been connected to the sewage and public toilets have been also built.
On December 13, Beilin District of Xian held open toilet mobilization meeting of social sector. 33 star level hotels have signed to open toilets including Crown Plaza. The government will supervise to ensure the opening no less than 12 hours, at least same with operation hours.
In middle December, the armies adjacent to the frontiers of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang secured interior toilets in warm rooms and have been gradually eliminating dry toilets.
Luoyang Evening News reporters visited participants of toilet revolution. The management calls for the public to use the toilet without waste and let the Gender Free Restroom be used by those in need.
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