
Action | The popular  science album of toilet culture is in the crowdfunding campaign!

Yuting Foundation in Kunshan unites Slow Pace Media Co. , Ltd. starts a crowdfunding to offer primary students popular science album of toilet culture named “ How much people know about the toilet, how far will the civilization go.”. The popular science album of toilet culture which to be published is the first textbook about toilet culture for primary students in China, including history, environmental science, physical health and other aspects. What's more, the album also uses relaxing and humorous words and pictures to make students understand the reason why the toilet plays an important role in our life. The small toilet not only concerns each one's physical and mental health but also is connected with the planet closely. Yuting Foundation and Research Center for Toilet Culture invite you to support the crowdfunding of the popular science album for toilet culture, which will make contributions to children's future of health.