





Trend | Many provinces of China are making great efforts to reinvent the toilet in rural areas

Data: Anhui Province plans to transform 300000 toilets in rural areas and finish the task of 700000 in 2018. In 2020, the old toilets of 2.4 million rural families in the whole province will become sanitary toilets. In addition, the flush toilet is generalized in rational groundwater protection areas.

Shandong Province has improved 10 million toilets, which is about 67% of the total. It decides to finish more than 6.4 million in 2018, achieving the goal that all the toilets in rural places become sanitary.

Chun'an County, Zhejiang Province, has made 635 toilets into functional, environmental-friendly and beautiful ones.

Policy: Anhui Province issued Implemental Measures of Toilets Improvement Project in Anhui Rural Areas, demanding that system of the project must be set. Each region needs to record process's completion progress into the system timely. What's more, once toilets in a village have been transformed, provincial financial will give rewards of different levels according to the actual conditions.

“Toilet Revolution” has been launched in 23 towns of Chun'an County, Zhejiang Province. The county Party secretary acts as toilets director and each town adapts vernacular landscape elements to make every toilet become scenery itself.

The quality of toilet is one of the main gaps between urban and rural in China. Therefore, the toilet in rural areas is the short plank that most needs change. The food people eat embodies material civilization, and the toilet people use can embody spiritual civilization sometimes. Improving the toilet is a livelihood project that connected with health, environment and life quality closely.