
在中国,公益机构壹基金和舒肤佳联合发起“手护行动”,通过捐献洗手台及清洁用品、开展入校卫生教育等形式,改善乡村小朋友洗手设施,帮助建立正确洗手习惯。深圳儿童画创作大赛及海报设计邀请展颁奖典礼在这一天举行,通过儿童画创作大赛,让更多的人学会正确洗手。同时深圳市卫生计生委和市教育局还举行了校园洗手项目启动仪式,计划利用3年时间,在全市中小学校和托幼机构开展全民洗手健康促进项目。在非洲,尼日利亚学校开展“生命之信”活动,参与者将洗手液滴在信里,干后寄给学校,在校儿童可以通过此分享到洗手液、爱心以及滴露捐助的肥皂。在加纳、马里、尼日尔、马拉维、赞比亚、津巴布韦、洪都拉斯、黎巴嫩和阿富汗,开展了世界宣明会与芝麻街团队举办的WASH UP!活动,通过木偶Raya和动画人物艾莫的视频、玩具、书和歌曲,教育儿童去厕所要穿鞋、怎样安全储水、洗手,并鼓励儿童将课程教给家人。


Action | Global Handwashing Day-Our Hands, our future!

The 2017 Global Handwashing Day theme is "Our hands, our future!" on October 15. This theme reminds us that handwashing protects our own health, but also allows us to build our own futures, as well as those of our communities, and the world. Because handwashing is an affordable, effective way to achieve these goals, by having the power to improve access to education for children, protect the health of patients and communities, and reduce inequities. Promoting the benefits and practice of handwashing with soap, as well as fostering access to and improving hygiene facilities, will help us work towards a future where that potential is realized.

In China, philanthropic organization One Foundation and Safeguard co-holds the 'hand protection action' that donates hand washing sink, cleaning products, provides health education at school, improves hand washing facilities of rural students to help them form good habits of hand washing. Shenzhen Children's Picture Painting Contest and Poster Contest also held awarding ceremony this day. It helps more people to learn how to wash hands correctly. At the same time, Shenzhen Public Health Administration and Education Bureau also held launching ceremony of campus hand washing project that will spend 3 years in the promoting hand washing at nurseries, kindergartens, primary schools and middle schools to make people healthier. In Africa, Nigerian schools had Letter for Life campaign. Participants wrote letters with a drop of Dettol soap dried on the letter, which was sent to school along with a free bar of Dettol soap, and distributed to children.

In Ghana, Mali, Niger, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Honduras, Lebanon and Afghanistan, Sesame street teamwork with World Vision on the curriculum featuring a Muppet named Raya joining with the character Elmo educating children through videos, play mats, books and songs. Audiences are taught about wearing sandals to go to the latrine, safe water storage and handwashing , and are encouraged to take the lessons home to their families.

In addition, in the hospital where washing hands constantly means safety, researchers use AI technology to track whether people have washed hands and can know the numbers more accurately through depth camera and computer-vision algorithms to lower the incidence of hospital infection.