在世界厕所日当天,2017年世界厕所日暨中国厕所革命宣传日活动在北京举行。会上国家旅游局宣布了新的三年行动计划。 该《计划》显示,新三年行动计划将按照“全域发展、质量提升、深化改革、创新突破”的基本思路,重点开展厕所革命建设提升行动、厕所革命管理服务提升行动、厕所革命科技提升行动、厕所革命文明提升行动等四大行动,采取强化组织保障、强化资金支持、强化考核督导、强化宣传引导等四大保障措施,实现“数量充足、分布合理,管理有效、服务到位,环保卫生、如厕文明”的新三年目标。截至2017年10月底,全国共新建、改扩建旅游厕所6.8万座, 超额完成三年计划任务(5.7万座)19.3%。预计从2018到2020年,全国计划新建、改扩建旅游厕所6.4万座,其中新建4.7万座,改扩建1.7万座。同时,厕所革命将向中西部和农村地区倾斜,并在监管方面引入社会监督评价机制,而第三卫生间建设则将逐步实现国家级省级旅游度假区、4A级以上旅游景区全覆盖。

李金早出席活动致辞说,三年厕所革命取得显著成效,但与快速增长的旅游发展和人民日益增长的美好生活需要相比,还存在发展不平衡不充分的问题,迫切需要再实施新一轮三年行动计划。早在2017年初,李金早就对厕所革命进行了中肯的解读:1.厕所革命不能是旅游部门一家“独奏曲”,应当是全社会的“合奏曲”;2.厕所革命要由景点模式走向全域模式,普及景区内外,深入城乡;3. 厕所革命的成效如何,数量是一方面,但更重要的是游客如厕满意度。

Policy | CNTA launches the New Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction and Management of Tourist Toilets in China (2018-2020)

On World Toilet Day, Beijing marks 2017 World Toilet Day & China Toilet Revolution Awareness Day. At the event site, CNTA Vice Chairman Li Shihong announced the New Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction and Management of Tourist Toilets in China (2018-2020). The plan shows the new three-year action plan will follow the principles of “promoting holistic development, improving quality, deepening reform, and seeking innovation and breakthrough”, concentrate efforts in four areas – improving the construction quality and the toilet management and service, strengthening the application of latest technologies, and promoting user etiquette, and ensure their effect with strong organizational and financial support, strict assessment and supervision, and increased publicity and educational activities. The goal is to build a sufficient number of reasonably distributed, well-managed, and eco-friendly tourist toilets with considerate services and sound sanitation conditions. By the end of October 2017, about 68,000 tourist toilets had been built, remodeled or expanded, beating the original goal (57,000) by 19.3%. China plans to build 47,000 more tourist toilets and remodel or expand 17,000 more from 2018 to 2020. Meanwhile the action will put more stress on Midwest China and rural areas, and introduce evaluation mechanism from the public. The gender-free toilet will be found in national, provincial level tourism areas, and all the scenery spots of 4A level and above.

Li Jinzao spoke in the event about that it has scored remarkable achievements in the past three years, but still falls behind the rapid tourism development and short of the growing demand for a better life, so it’s imperative for us to develop and launch another three-year action plan. In the begining of 2017, Li Jinzao had a fair remark about the present event: 1. The Toilet Revolution is not the solo of the tourism bureau, but shall be the symphony of the whole society. 2. The Toilet Revolution shall develop from perspective of scenic spots to that of the whole area, both in and outside the scenery spots, both urban and rural. 3. The effect of the Toilet Revolution depends on the quantity but more on the satisfaction of the tourists.