• 11月2日,国家旅游局局长李金早一行深入内蒙古自治区阿尔山市昊达庄园、阿尔山国家森林公园等景区调研厕所革命。他说,景区要充分重视厕所建设,将相关工作落到实处,提升游客的舒适度、满意度。在大众旅游时代、全域旅游发展格局下,游客的满意度往往都集中在一些细节上,一次不舒服的如厕体验,就会直接影响游客对景区的评价。景区要从厕所革命入手,全面推进旅游公共服务体系建设,促进旅游业健康、高品质发展。

    On November 2, Li Jinzao, Director of China National Tourism Administration visited Arxan National Park and Haoda Village of Inner Mongolia to investigate the toilet reformation. He said the satisfaction of the tourists depend on the details. The tourism areas should pay sufficient attention on toilets, and improve the service from the toilet to the whole range. 

  • 中国城市环境卫生协会于11月2日至4日,在贵阳市举办了2017城市固体废物处理技术与设备国际展览会暨国际交流活动、召开了协会2017年年会,开展了2016-2017年度环境卫生行业争优创新系列表彰活动和2017寻找最美环卫人表彰活动。 11月3日上午,中环协联合国际公益学院厕所文化研究中心主办的《公厕改革与提标研讨会》,作为此次年会的三个专业研讨会之一,在贵阳国际会议展览中心举办 。国际公益学院助理院长傅昌波教授作主题发言:《中国厕所革命进展观察》。

    China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation held Urban Solid Waste Technology and Equipment Expo and annual meeting in Guiyang during November 2-4. It awarded the excellent members of the year in environmental sanitation. The Workshop of Public Toilet Reform and Standard Upgrade co-hosted by RCTC and China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation was held there for half a day. Mr Fu Changbo, Assistant Director of China Global Philanthropy Institute, made the report on Progress Observations of China Toilet Revolution. It's one of the three workshops of SWT2017.

  • 上海市市容环境质量监测中心对全市菜场、大卖场、轨交、旅游景点的公厕保洁作业规范管理情况进行抽样监测,综合平均得分为88.3分。菜场公厕因为人流量大、设施设备较为陈旧,问题发现率相对较高。在服务质量方面,社会公厕的服务管理标准化水平还有的提升空间。

    Shanghai Urban Appearance and Environmental Quality Surveillance Center checked the cleanness of public toilets, and average appraisal is 88.3 points. The toilets at markets are relatively old and need improvement, and the standardized service of toilets held by the non-public sector also needs improvement. 

  • 目前,北京共有公厕19008座,今年计划对500座进行品质提升,现已完成282座。北京西站是此次公厕改造的重点,将部分男女厕调换位置,增加了女厕厕位的空间和数量,还对公厕环境进行改善,增加置物台、扶手等人性化设施。明年,西站将改造配置智慧系统,设置大屏幕并显示不同卫生间使用情况。

    Beijing plans to improve the quality of 500 public toilets among the total of 19008 this year. Beijing West Railway Station is the key of this action, who has increased the number of women’s toilets, added handrails and other facilities. Next year the station will install smart screen to show availability of the toilets. 

  • 废纸置换厕纸项目入围行动者联盟2017公益盛典“年度公益创意”。昱庭公益基金会与目标学校合作,学校负责将学生在校产生的各类废旧纸张定期回收安置在学校固定的一处,昱庭通过与废纸回收商的合作,邀请回收商定期回收废旧纸张,变卖所得的款项将存入第三方账户,用于该小学新学年的校园厕纸费用。项目已覆盖全国14个省、4个自治区和2个直辖市,服务545所学校,超过100万的师生受益。

    'Waste paper for toilet paper' program has entered the 2017 'Annual Philanthropic Creative Ideas' of Actionist League. Yuting foundation cooperates with the schools who collect waste paper and with the recycling business who take it from school, and the money paid by the business is used to buy toilet paper. The program covers over 1 million people of 545 schools in 14 provinces, 4 autonomous regions and 2 municipal cities. 

  • 11月13日,安徽首座光伏发电公厕正式投入使用。屋顶装有太阳能板,除保障公厕的日常用电外,还可以免费为市民提供手机充电服务。该公厕还设有第三卫生间等人性化的内部设施。云南曲靖太阳能公厕也在11月7日亮相,除供电外还能够提供太阳能供热系统。

    On November 13, Anhui's first toilet of photovoltaic power was launched. It can supply electric power both to the toilet and to the battery of citizens. The solar power public toilet in Qujing, Yunnan was also launched on November 7, which can supply hot water besides normal use of electricity. 

  • 黄山市与光大置业有限公司合作建设、用全新理念打造“生态厕所+旅游服务”厕所综合体。引入了"光触媒"技术,可分解空气中异味主要部分氨类化合物。同时结合气候特点,采取了雨水收集、自然通风等生态化设计,降低厕所的电力和水量消耗。在运营维护中采用实时监测环境品质、人流量、氨气、节能节水等,通过大数据灵活调整使用空间。比如,在男厕与女厕连接处增设厕位转换间,可根据游客等候情况,实现男女厕位数量自动转换。

    Huangshan city cooperated with Everbright Real Estate in building the toilet with tourism service. The toilet is odor free and energy saving with rainwater collection and natural wind designs. The men's and women's toilet seats can be switched depending on the waiting time.  

  • 四川省交通运输厅公路局要求普通国省干线公共厕所建设实现“两小时如厕”的目标,公共厕所尽量与公路服务设施、管养设施合并设置,合理设置第三卫生间。

    Sichuan Provincial Road Bureau requires the public toilets along provincial key roads be available so that travellers can find toilets every two hours, and gender-free restroom will also be constructed. 

  • 上海地铁3.0版厕所下月将随新线亮相。男女坑位比提高到1:2.5,公厕每小时换气20次,增设独立的无障碍厕所,集纳儿童厕位、儿童洗手盆、婴儿护理板等新设施,方便特殊人群。再加上纸巾、洗手液、空气清新剂等小设施,3.0版公厕已接近一些机场和酒店的水平。

    The V. 3.0 public toilets of Shanghai metro will be launched with the new lines next month, with men's and women's toilet seats ratio reach 1:2.5. Children's toilet seats, wash basin, baby nursing facilities, hand sanitizers will also be provided.

  • 杭州城西骆家庄西苑一区最南端9幢的二楼,62岁的章忠林在自家开了一家24小时免费的公共厕所,有马桶、小便池、洗手台,还有架子专门用来给上厕所的人放包和其他杂物,供应洗手液,有保洁阿姨打扫。

    Mr Zhang Zhonglin, a Hangzhou citizen of 62 years old, provides the public with a free 24-hour toilet in his own house in the west part of the city, with all the maintaining and cleaning expenses on his own.